The Smithers Bridging Committee was formed in 2002. It is a committee of the Bulkley Valley Social Planning Society. The Smithers Bridging Committee sees a vibrant, harmonious community that respects Witsuwit’en territory and the diversity of all nations and cultures that reside here.
Anti-Racism-Province of BC
We are currently part of Resilience BC Anti-Racism Network, funded by the Province of BC.
BC Anti-Racism Network - Province of British Columbia (
Education on respecting Witsuwit’en Culture
We work with many local and regional educational partners to increase community members understanding of Witsuwit’en ways of knowing, being, and doing.
Resilience BC: BC’s Anti-Racism Network
We see a future free from racism and hate. The Resilience BC Anti-Racism Network website provides tools to help you do the hard work and make this vision a reality.
Recent Work
January 22, 2018 - SKIN EVENT at Smithers Secondary as trial run for
International Day for Elimination of Racism ( March 21) - Facilitated by
March 21, 2018 - MORE SKIN EVENT at Smithers Secondary School
National Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Ongoing planning for Witsuwit’en 101
SKIN - THE GAME - held March 25 at the Library - Facilitator Valerie Laub
Bob Joseph event planned for June
‘What the Elders Told Us” Art Banner Project in Witset
Ongoing liaising and discussion with other local organizations : Library,
Ongoing planning to run SKIN - THE GAME as a series of workshops in
the community.
Smithers Bridging applies to become part of the BC Resilience Network
Smithers Bridging Committee hosts a book club reading “Nice Racism” by Dr. Robin DiAngelo
New BC Anti-Racism network website is live:
September 30, 2021 National Truth and Reconciliation Day
Long-standing committee member Birdy Market wins Premier’s Award for Excellence in Indigenous Education
Creation of Bulkley Valley Response to Racism and Hate Protocol
Elder’s Tea and social
Strategic Planning with Gretchen Woodman
Smithers Bridging Committee participates in Pride Day, May 27, 2023
Protocol Signing Day, June 16, 2023
National Indigenous Peoples Day, June 21, 2023
First Annual Gathering of Signatories of the Bulkley Valley Response to Racism and Hate Protocol
in the fall of 2024
Created Smithers Bridging Anti-Racism Committee outreach materials for the community